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We’ve understood this for many years now: customers can buy whatever they want, whenever they want. And they don’t need your stores to do it.

But far from becoming obsolete, physical retail spaces offer perhaps the biggest opportunity for brands to gain a competitive edge. The digital age may have changed the way we shop and do basically everything in our lives... but at what cost?

The more we become addicted to swiping through distractions and dopamine hits, the greater the need for meaningful, tangible real-world encounters. The best retailers will intelligently leverage physical stores to forge deeper connections with customers and provide a much-needed antidote to digital fatigue.

At RetailSpaces executives from BP, Indochino, Capital One, and ChangeUp discussed the unique approaches they're taking to connect with today's changing customers through their physical spaces.

You can watch the full discussion below...




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This article was written by AI and edited by a member of the influence group team.

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